Allowing the answer to arrive instead of forcing it. This is such a great article!
Sometimes I wonder if this type of internal search for answers works like a conversation. I mean if I want to know someone's favorite color and I sprint up to them and get in their face and demand to know what their favorite color is RIGHT NOW while giving them no time to think about it, I imagine they would freeze up and wouldn't be able answer that simple question. They'd probably be turned off to speaking to me altogether haha
In the same way when I approach my mind with this intense desire for answers RIGHT NOW, I'm putting my mind in a headlock and jabbing it in the side until it finally gives in... but all that happens is my mind locks up and I get nothing back.
But in a conversation, there is listening. I ask the question and then I just sit, wait, and listen deeply for the answer without any craving putting pressure on the one with the answer.
Ask the question then get out of the way I guess is what it boils down to.
Interesting though, this one has me exploring that idea.
Thanks Rick, and it's nice to see you back here writing on Medium. I see you have one post before this one that broke your posting fast, and I plan to read that as well, but since I opened this one first, Welcome Back :) Medium is a better place when your words are a part of it.