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Mindfulness for inner peace

Peacefully Evicting Inner Demons

Remove their reasons for existing and they vanish.

5 min readAug 10, 2022


You know what the right path is for you. You know what it feels like to walk confidently down it, doing all the things you need to be doing, and doing them well. But then this little voice inside tries to maneuver you off-course. It entices you by saying there is something way more satisfying just on the side of the path if you would stop and make a quick detour to go check it out.

This is the same voice that tells you not to run that last mile or get started on that project. That you can take breaks to your detriment, and put off the to-do list until tomorrow.

You might fight this voice off successfully a few times, but it gets louder and more persuasive. Its hypnotic lure grabs you and before you know it, you’ve wandered far off the path.

This is the work of an inner demon. We all have one or two of these, and when they decide to toy with us, they do it fantastically well.

Is it an actual demon? Umm, no. I hope not anyway. I call it an inner demon, but it’s just our safety-seeking behaviors in action.

I intend for this piece to help quiet that voice and put it to sleep when it’s unnecessarily active, so…



Blake Alan
Blake Alan

Written by Blake Alan

I like to write, practice mindfulness, and introspect on life.

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