Brilliant piece Haroon! What a great read, truly. It resonates with me especially because at one point I decided to experiment with boredom. I actually wrote an article on this, but I noticed I was running from my boredom, and so I wanted to purposefully make myself feel bored so I could figure out why and what boredom even is.
I found that my boredom was me resisting what is, that empty moment. My mind kicked up with all kinds of reasons for me to do something else, but I just watched the thoughts and let them pass, and back into the boredom I went.
I sat there in that feeling of boredom and I finally asked myself, "Why is this moment not enough?"
From there is was like the moment opened up to me, I became so mindful of this very ordinary moment, and it became extraordinary in so many ways.
Anyway, this one hit home. Thanks for writing this!