Good for you for doing something about your phone addiction. I've found keeping space between me and the apps on my phone has been helping my mental health.
As far as methods to stay on track, I prefer to draft longhand and put my computer and phone in a different room when I do. Then I use something I learned from a Neil Gaiman interview.
It's to sit down and give yourself permission not to write. You can sit there and write, or not, but you can't do anything else.
Well after some time, the mind gets curious about the paper in front of me and where I felt no inspiration before, here comes loads of it.
I think this helps because it takes the pressure off me by allowing myself to sit there for hours and not write if I so choose. But curiosity always comes around and I might start doodling on the page, then those lines become words, and then sentences, and now I'm writing.
Like you, I'm a recently hatched writer, but this has been working for me lately.