Hey Jenny, thanks for the mention here. I feel like I got picked for some sort of Allstar heart writers team haha very cool :) Much appreciated!! I'm going to be checking out a lot of people you have listed here too.
I honestly didn't know much about AI writing. I've been a musician most of my life and really only started writing consistently for the first time back in Jan of this year. So for the longest time my sights were elsewhere, which means I'm still fairly blind to a lot of the hot topics within the writing circles, so thanks for writing this piece! Funny how AI is taking over everything now. It's got its hand heavily in the music scene too. Robots making melody, beats, rhythms, etc.
But for me, what can never be fabricated is the inspiration I feel after laying under some massive oak tree, climbing onto and sitting on the branches of a willow, or meandering through a forest of aspens, and then taking that feeling and putting into music or writing. A robot can imitate the end product, but it'll never know the roots that inspired it... but I do and I'm thankful for that.