I get plenty of these half-baked comments and the clap and runs, but I never considered they were hurting my chances for engagement. Maybe that's why I never get boosted? Hmm.
Or maybe it's just my writing isn't great enough for that honor lol but I feel confident in saying that I don't think my writing is total garbage, in fact in may even be good.
But that type of fake engagement, if it's truly hurting me, I may have to consider doing more than just ignoring it. Because I suppose the key here is that by removing the shallow interactions, my pieces might have a better chance at finding people who actually care to read it and offer some feedback.
I think I'll start a list like you have and keep track of those that don't offer the holy trinity to my pieces, as I do for the ones I enjoy reading.
I was quite blissfully unaware that the algorithm might be throwing my hard work in the discard bin because of this. Thanks for the insight, Jay! I really appreciate it!