I guess we can only ever draw lines in the sand, but then the tide comes (times change) to wash it away, and the line is redrawn to hold as the new standard until the next tide rolls in. I'm not sure there can be an absolute that exists outside the mind of the one that wishes for it.
So perhaps it's better to focus less on the line and more on the tide and learn to flow with that, as it seems to forever be stronger than whatever control we might press upon life through our ideals. No matter the time, era, period, generation, I think there's always room for the universal human elements of understanding and compassion, and with those, it doesn't matter where we draw the line anymore, because with a mindful open heart, the best of what humanity is will rise with that tide, and be unbothered by that state of lines because we became the water and the sand themselves. No lines needed.
I know that's abstract and weird haha but that's where my mind trailed off to with your question.
Thanks for this piece, Jay!