I'll be honest with you here, Jay. I was a blushing mess after this comment of yours lol
And then I was upset. Not at you, but at myself. You see, I don't think I've ever had someone outside of my family take an active interest in me, the way my mind works, or my writing, as much as you are right now.
As the day went on I didn't feel worthy of such interest because I couldn't see why anyone would care enough to be interested in me.
I see now that is a pain point I need to work on with myself, and I appreciate you indirectly triggering it. I didn't even realize I thought so low of myself, but awareness is the first and most powerful step healing. So I'm going to work on changing my perspective of myself to be more truthful. I'm only sharing this because if I don't, it'll rattle around in my head lol
I appreciate you, Jay! Thanks man