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Is the World a Cruel, Grim Tragedy or Do You Just Feel Down on Yourself?
Change how you see the world by healing your view of yourself.
The world is one big mirror, and how we see it reflects how we see ourselves. If you look down on yourself and think you’re a big messed up pile of mistakes and misfortune, then chances are you view the world as a gloomy, doom-filled disaster. I know I did.
At the heights of some of my depressive episodes a while back, I would look out into the world and everything I saw sucked. Everyone is terrible and life is just a ball of misery tumbling downhill into an inescapable pit of despair.
Was this true? Of course not, but it felt that way at the time because of how I felt about myself. I hated myself and only saw a world that reflected that.
Now there are obviously negative aspects of ourselves, and I’m not about to write this article asking you to ignore that and only embrace the positive until you are bursting at the seams with “love & light”. That isn’t realistic or necessary. In fact, seeing only the positive is perhaps just as bad as seeing only the negative.
The goal is to gain understanding and direction based on truth, which is made of both negative and positive…