I've had depression most of my life, had a brush with suicide, spent time in a mental hospital, gone through various methods of therapy over the years, but it was my efforts in my mindfulness practice that made the greatest change in a positive direction.
15ish years later now, I have this perspective of what it felt like to be depressed, and not caring that I don't care for anything pretty much sums it up.
I would SOOO much rather feel pain then numb. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, and emotions seem to be felt in the body as if that is one of the core functions of a body.
Now imagine you've taken all the feelings away, you care for nothing. I think a body that feels nothing will eventually try to destroy itself. It's lost its purpose. Just a theory of course, but it feels to true in my circumstance.
Pain is fine, normal, useful. Numb is... well, dangerous.
Thanks for this piece!