Yeah their lack of communication is really what's getting me. They must be sitting up too high in the tower to see the fires blazing below, and just assume the smoke must be wispy clouds passing by haha
So I've been splitting my time between Medium and Substack. Though lately it's been more time in Substack trying to learn how it all works. Once I get my foothold there, then It'll be 50/50.
However I'm still in the Medium lunchroom and I'm glad you stepped back in with us, where the food is alway warm, because the place is on fire haha
Hopefully it gets fixed up, but yeah. I get the need to write and share, even if I'm only been doing it for a few years now, it's absolutely a need I understand as much as I can.
My membership renews on the 10th, so I don't really know what to do. I might keep it for another year just to see if it things get better, but I'd LOVE to hear just one official sentence of acknowledgement from them about all this.